mercredi 15 octobre 2014

Interview - Robert Benard

An other article in english because I did this interview in San Francisco.

Profile : 

Robert, dancer not profesional, 31 year old, from East Chicago, Indiana.
He answered my questions by mail.

1. Since how long are you doing dance?

I started dancing when I was 5 years old. My mom put me in and my sister in a Mexican Dance troop where we danced to traditional Mexican music. After that I started dancing hip hop when I was about 7 years old. I stopped for many years after that and recently started taking class a year ago to get back in to it.

2. What is your course/experience?

Mexican Dancing with a group and then hip hop at dance studio called Dance connection and recently city dance studios in San Francisco.

3. What style do you practice?

Currently Hip hop

4. Why did you choose to practice dance?

Dancing allows me to express my creative and artistic side. Now that I am 31 it is getting me back into shape.

5. Does dance occupy a great part of your life or it’s just a random sport for you?

I would say it occupies a great part of my life now. I try to dance 3 times a week. Then when the performance work shop starts, it takes up more of my time, but that’s okay because it’s fun and I love it.

6. Does dance brings something in your life? If yes, what?

It has given me more self confidence, better physical health and makes me look cuter. =)
Also all of the new dance friends that I have made over the past year has been good for me. I have met some amazing dancers that continue to inspire me to be a better dancer and push myself harder.

7. For you, what is the image of the dance in the society? Do you like this image?

I think in today’s society, dance portrays self confidence, pop culture, athleticism, power, and swagger. I do like the image, because not everyone can dance or people say they are to embarrassed or self conscience when it comes to dance. I always hear compliments from friends when they see videos of me dancing. It boosts my self confidence

8. Do you think the dance in general has in impact in the society?


9. Do you think some types of dance are related to a culture? 

Yes , pop culture, traditional culture (African, Mexican, etc)

My impression / discover :

Like Bianca, he started to dance really young because of the influence of his family. He started with Mexican dance and went to Hip hop after which is completly different. It looks like american people like to try different style of dance, and I had noticed that also with the others dancers I met there.

He dance for 2 reasons : express his creative and artistic side but also for healthy reasons. Dance permit him to stay in a good shape. That's true that dancer often have this reason to practice dance : because it's a sport !

For robert, dance represent a great part of his life and it's fun. My feeling about it is that he practice a lot of dance because he like it, he like share dance with people and doing sport. Dance impact is life but no as much as Bianca that is professional and do it like a job.
Dance often bring something in people's life. In his case it's a way to earn self confidence and looks cutter. Yes dancing can make someone more beautiful ! (apparently)
But it's also a way to meet people who can become really good friend and push yourself. Dance is not easy as we can think. To have a level and become better, you have to push yourself and sometimes it's really hard, mentally and physically (It's an observation from my self experience and what I've seen)

Robert have only a positive image of dancing mainly conveyed by his friend. His friend point of view seems really important to him and makes him a more confident person.

In conclusion, his answers don't surprised me a lot. His life is impacted by dance and influence his comportement a lot. Mainly dance for him is a way to show to his friend what he is doing and by doing his better, impressed his friend and have a better self confident personnality.

Thank you Robert !

Robert, Caroline (an other dancer) and me

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